Monday, November 05, 2007


At one point tonight I was hoping it could be my best day in poker.

I was nearling the bubble in the 50k on betfair was in the top 20 of 200 left of 750 in Mansion 150k and was going ok in the CPC 500$ final.

The good news is I qualified for 50k and cpc final via sats - so for 200$ tonight was playing in tournies with entries over 1k$.

The 50k

I ultimately hung on to get into the cash (600$ ) however it quickly went down to 12 and i started to think final table . However I picked up Ace Jack spades and pushed for 6 big blinds and ran into big blinds Ak. Flop 2 spades but I did nt improve - 12th of 177. for 600$

MANSION 150K gtd

I played well for 3 hrs then absolute shat in last hr. Was in top 10 with 100 or so left but ultimately lost 2 races and went out 52nd of 750 for 500$. I had 40k chips at one stage and made mistakes for 1/3 of that stack.


This was the biggest blow - 45 runners fr 2 seats with 3rd - 7th getting 600$. I came back from 200 chips to get over 20000 chips and the chip lead with 7 left. However I folded to some re raises and lost quite a few chips without looking them up. I then got impatient with 5 left and after a few limper's i pushed for 15 big blinds with a7 and ran into Ak. I am not happy with the last play there was no need for me to do it - 1st and 2nd were clear but 3rd and 4th similar chips and I should have waited. 5th of 49 for 600$.

I'm off to Germany Tue - Thur this week so will be no poker or updates. Good Luck All

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