Friday, July 02, 2010


In what was by far the most emotional day of my life, my wife Jean gave birth to our 1st child Zoe at 1052pm on July 1st, she weighed in at 71/2 pounds.


rubbish said...

Congratulations, hope Mum and Daughter are doing great and Dad has wetted her head.

Gavin said...

Congrats mate. I think they might frown on you wetting your Wifes head while she's still in hospital though :)

Mike said...

congrats. Get the beers in whilst you can.


TEAMDOBB said...

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee takes me back some years that, big congrats to you both on a very very special day

Robert "Animal" Price said...

n1 mate congratulations to you both

woodie said...

congrats mate. enjoy it

woodie said...

congrats mate enjoy it.

s2c said...

Congratulations for you both , all the best.

Wildcat said...

Congrats, all the best for the future.

Entabeni said...

Congrats m8, know the feeling and sure learns you to look at poker in perspective doesn't it.


Unknown said...

Congrats!. Teach them how to shuffle. lol, please give me a follow and link back ive done the same.. Good luck with the diapers an what not, dont flush!

stumpy said...

best wishes from mr nd mrs stumpy

BH said...

congrats again fella - give Jean our best wishes and hope to see the three of you soon!

stumpy said...

phew mothers looks u run good

Sports Punter said...

Congratulations. Hope all three of you are doing well.

Amatay said...

congrats Mark

JoshTov said...

That's the most gorgeous photo - wishing her a life filled with happiness. Congratulations!

Highstack said...

Excellent news mate. Only just caught this. I hope all is well. Congrats