Saturday, December 08, 2007


In December I am going to have a decent shot at no limit cash.

I got an hr lessON from a winning 0.5 1 NL player in ST Kits that I found very useful and I am going to try and play 1 month of 2 5$ NL and if winning 5 10$ NL. I am also going to play NL unique on Interpoker so will keep you updated as to how I progress. I have had a decent winning day so took my initial deposit out so if I go bust I aint lost anything.

I will also play some 6 paks on Interpoker and Betfair this month.

Nice last minute winner for the toon at the match today which I think they just about deserved. However that horrible man Terry Mac jumping all over FatSam like we had won the league made me laugh.

Have a full weEkend of boozing next weekend so poker will have a backseat.

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