Friday, March 21, 2008


Played 1st live game since St Kitts tonight. As pers Newcastle had a £30 rebuy tourny. Was gutted to get there and find out only 27 runners - was quite tight affair also as only 1 rebuy allowed. Anyway my mates were there so i played - didn't need to rebuy as doubled up early doors.

Standard was truly awful - I could not believe what i was watching at times and would have cursed myself if i did not cash ( top 5 paid).

Anyway 5 hrs later 4 left I am gtd £200 and push the SB all in who limps into my BB for 3rd round in a row. He calls in 0.01 seconds ( P Hellmuth style v B Greinstein in that cash hand !!) and he has KK. His KK is no match for my monster ace 6 on a ace 6 7 flop lol. I knock 3rd out and eventually catch up with chip leader as we are about to go heads up. We have about 80k each he offers chop and I accept as 245am and cant be rsed.

Was quite bored at times tonight but was truly shocked how bad the standard was - I let him sign for 1st and I took £435 for the chop which can do as Cork spends.

Adios all - no poker for me till minimum Tuesday as going away for weekend.



TEAMDOBB said...

Would of been like Rooney playing for Consett in the Northernn League then ?
Cant all be 23k package games yi na! Nice result.

Poker play the Soap way said...

lol m8

I was just chocked - pretty sure my last live game about 1 year ago at Aspers the standard was much higher.

Please i cashed as was telling all my mates how shite standard was lol.

However, blew that at Cork races in no time :D